之前曾被某業者說過, 深紫陸的成長速度在造假...@@ 真是無語...
自己只懂賣, 沒有飼養過, 就說人是假, 說怎會長得這麼快........
最近在外國討論區, 和一位美國的蟹友交流, 他也貼出所飼養的深紫陸, 可以看到成長速度和我的也差不多呢...
This is my spinel!
In 2009:
In 2012:
另一位蟹友則說他也覺得深紫陸成長速度很快. 牠們的體色變化比想像中快. 甚至說即是不是脫皮, 體色也會有稍微的變化.
下圖右方的個體, 在這幾個月變得越來越紫.
Careyenz wrote:
I haven't had mine that long, but they are growing fast. Their color changes have happened much faster than I expected as well. What I've found most amazing is that their color starts to shift even without a molt taking place.
The little guy on the right has turned more and more purple in the past few months.