

跟據< Water uptake in terrestrial hermit crabs: amorpho-functional analysis >論文提到,陸寄居蟹會利用第三顎足的剛毛接觸水或濕潤的沙,把水帶到口裏。

短腕陸寄居蟹 Coenobita brevimanus (Land hermit crab) drinking flesh water



Although there are relatively few species of Coenobita, individuals are numerous in tropical and subtropical maritime regions particularly supralittoral areas and small islands, although some penetrate further inland. Certain species are restricted to beaches (e.g. C. perlatus (H. Milne Edwards, 1837), C. scaevola (Förskal 1775), C. spinosus (H. Milne Edwards, 1837), C. cavipes (Stimpson, 1838) while several other species may penetrate long distances inland, e.g. C. clypeatus (Herbst, 1791) on Curaçao, C. rubescens (Greeff) and C. brevimanus (Dana, 1852) in rainforest, C. compressus (H. Milne Edwards) (de Wilde; 1973; Burggren and McMahon, 1988). Coenobita rugosus (H. Milne Edwards, 1837) may live on the beach or penetrate inland in situations where fresh water is available (Yamaguchi, 1938; Vannini, 1976).
Greenaway (2003 p. 13)
Terrestrial adaptations in the Anomura (Crustacea: Decapoda)
Beach-dwelling Land Hermit Crabs Some hermit crabs live on or close to beaches and would have access to seawater and a diet high in salt. In captivity they will need access to sea water. You will often find hermit crabs which have been denied sea salt water solutions spending a lot of time in the ocean water dish once you get them home. Within the United States C. perlatus and C. cavipes are available in some pet stores and mall carts. According to Peter Greenaway, these species are beach-dwelling land hermit crabs and would require access to sea water to survive. "Certain species are restricted to beaches (e.g. C. perlatus (H. Milne Edwards, 1837), C. scaevola (Förskal 1775), C. spinosus (H. Milne Edwards, 1837), C. cavipes (Stimpson, 1838)... Beach-dwelling coenobitids drink seawater or extract it from damp sand and often immerse themselves to flush the shell.. " Greenaway (2003 p. 13-16)
Other land hermit crabs. Despite living away from beach areas most hermit crabs will drink the sea water from time to time or access salt through their diet. You may find your Carribean (Purple Pincer aka C. clypeatus) hermit crabs drinking the sea water. While they may not have ready access to seawater in the wild they do drink it while in captivity, and there is often a link between excessive drinking of sea water and an impending moult."Coenobita spp. that live away from the beach do not usually have access to seawater and indeed these species prefer dilute water unless they are depleted of salt (de Wilde, 1973). " Greenaway (2003 p. 16)




我們可以購入飼養海水魚的人工海鹽(海水素),用隔夜的淡水或已除氯的自來水來調教人工海水。人工海鹽品牌方面,我推薦RED SEA SALT或INSTANT OCEAN,注意人工海鹽要保持乾燥,勿受潮。




  1. 先準備一杯水(我是用500ml),我用的是已煲過後常溫的開水,慢慢把海鹽倒入量杯,攪均
  2. 把調教好的海水慢慢倒入鹽分比重計,倒入時把鹽分比重計斜斜的放著,防止氣泡產生,如還有氣泡,請把氣泡弄走。
  3. 看看計鹽分比重計的比重是否合乎(正確海水比重為1.020 – 1.024),OK可用。
  4. 如果比重不OK,例如比重過低,請加鹽再攪均再試,比重過高,請加水再攪均至適合比重。








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