Coenobita perlatus(EN)

Image©Steve Smith

Common name

Strawberry Land Hermit Crab.

*Red data status from Japan Ministry of the Environment: Vulnerable


Shield length can reach 25mm.


From Indian to Pacific Ocean, East Africa to Indonesia, Australia(restricted to Islands and coastal of the Great Barrier Reef), Japan(Ogasawara Islands)., Fiji, Guam etc.


Always located along coral beaches and close to the sea. They are found among the roots of trees and shrubs during the day. They usually move down to the sea at night to fill their shell with sea water.

My analysis of the relationship between distribution and body colour of Coenobita perlatus and Coenobita carnescens.

Larval stages

Five zoeal stages.


Body colour is red orange, bright red, reddish brown with white granules on the whole body. Some adult individuals are in white.

Shield slightly swollen just behind front, dorsal surface with white granules on anterior, posterior and lateral portions.

Eyestalks are compressed in shape.

Antennal acicles are fused with the second segment of peduncle.

Antennule (1st antennal) and antenna are red orange.

Left cheliped is bigger than right cheliped. There is series of about 6 ridges (////) on upper outer surface of palm of left cheliped.

Upper margins of both cheliped with brush of setae. Both cheliped with white granules.

Walking legs
Outer surface of propodus of left 3rd walking leg convex and round with white granules.

Outer surface of propodus of left 3rd walking leg not separated from dorsal surface by a well-marked longitudinal crest(A).

The abdomen is short.

Male coxae of 5th legs
Right coxa produced into long curved tube.

Body colour is creamy white with brownish-red transverse band on both chelipeds and walking legs. Some individuals are almost white or pale orange. As they grow larger, the red orange colour gradually appear.


1. Juvenile individuals are creamy white with brownish-red or orange transverse band. However, some juvenile individuals in similar size, their body colour is already in red orange. I think the coluoration may be related to food supply and environment.

 2. According to < Morphological and Molecular Evidence for a Stepwise Terrestrial Evolution and Species Delimitation on the Coenobita Phylogeny >, Hung sure that Asakura (2004) misidentified juvenile individuals of Coenobita perlatus as Coenobita pseudorugosus.


Reference links


Reference articles

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