Although my 10 years old (at 2019 October) C.perlatus lost color, he is very heathy.
By considering above case of losing color of C.perlatus and experience of me and C.Sam. I am going to say DO NOT buy C.perlatus, but if you buy, you must follow below (Some points same as C.Sam):
– Chose small size, DO NOT buy big & jumbo size, they are easy to die.
– Usually give them carotene food and sea food
– DO NOT touch them too much, only if you want to take them out for cleaning or take picture after molt (for record)
– If you are beginner, please DO NOT buy C.perlatus. You should at least have over one or two year experience, then think about C.perlatus.
I think sea water is more important than lighting (UVB). Some people think UVB can improve their color. But what I used is 2.0, UVB is very low, and C.Sam even do not have any lighting. Until now, we still do not sure if land hermit crab will be same as reptile which need UVB to provides necessary vitamins.
So, I think if we compare the importance of sea water, food, and lighting, I would say:
Sea water > Food > Lighting
Small C.perlatus also lose color, but their adaptability is much better. They will become more stable after several molt, and color begin to improve. The most important thing is they adapted the environment of Cabitat.
For Big C.perlatus, originally their adaptability is not good (May be very old). When they moved to Cabitat, apart from losing color, they will die because they are unable to adapt the environment of Cabitat.
If you want to interact with land hermit crabs, and always want to touch them, you are not suitable to buy C.perlatus, even other speices.
At last, let’s share some video of wild C.perlatus.