② 在CRUSTA: Database of Crustacea,Joseph Poupin跟據Dana在1855年描繪的原圖,則認為其實可能是Coenobita perlatus幼體(According to the drawings provided by Dana, Coenobita carnescens could be in fact the juvenile form of C. perlatus)。
③ 感謝Joseph Poupin提供原圖資料,從以下繪圖中個體的胸足著橫向環帶,可惜繪圖是黑白,我們無法知道橫向環帶是甚麼顏色。
⑤ Dana當時命名此種的學名為carnescens,拉丁語意思是covered in white(白); hoary(淡銀灰色、灰白)和present participle of canescere(to become gray or white),是否在指個體的體色呈白色、螯腳及胸足的橫向環帶是灰色或褐色這個外表?
6. 在1953年< Enumeration of the Decapod and Stomatopod Crustacea from Pacific Coral islands >的論文P37-P39中,Holthuis在馬紹爾群島(Marshall Islands),調查了100多隻Coenobita perlatus,卻寫明發現1隻Coenobita carnescens。雖然論文沒有照片,但可以說是Coenobita carnescens和Coenobita perlatus是不同物種,可以分別出來?
Hermit crab, Honeymoon Island, Aitutaki, Cook Islands, South Pacific
暫時只找到一篇論文 < The effect of isolation on the behavioral interaction of juvenile land hermit crab (Coenobitidae) from the Motus of Mo’orea French, Polynesia > 有圖片的論文有介紹這種個體,把牠們定為Coenobita perlatus。
Dana J. D., 1855. Atlas. Crustacea. United States Exploring Expedition during the years 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842 under the command of Charles Wilkes, U.S.N.
Holthuis, L.B., 1953. Enumeration of the Decapod and Stomatopod Crustacea from Pacific Coral islands
Poupin J., 1996. Crustacea Decapoda of French Polynesia (Astacidea, Palinuridea, Anomura, Brachyura)
Van Zerr, Vanessa E., 2008. The effect of isolation on the behavioral interaction of juvenile land hermit crab (Coenobitidae) from the Motus of Mo’orea French, Polynesia