How to ID Land Hermit Crabs

This is a general guide about how to ID Land Hermit Crabs. 

Information here is for adult crabs only, as juvenile crabs of some species are different with adult crabs.

Please check below step by step.

**Click the picture to next step or see the full details of the species

1. Eyestalks round → 2

1. Eyestalks compressed → 3

2A. Eyestalks Sub-cylindrical, boby colour purple, brown reddish tone → Coenobita brevimanus

2B. Upper part of eyestalks is cylindrical, bottom part is rather thick, body colour red tone → Coenobita clypeatus

3A. Black band on eyestalks → 4

3B. NO black band on eyestalks → 7

3C. Eyestalks completely black, 1st antennal are red, body colour purple tone → Coenobita violascens

3D. Big comma shape eyes, boby colour brown tone → Coenobita compressus

4A. Big claw NO ridges (////) → 5

4B. Big claw with obvious ridges (////) → 6

5A. Big claw finger with white, body colour brown tone → Coenobita cavipes

5B. Black band on the lower surfaces of eyestalks, colour purple tone → Coenobita lila

6A. Black band on the lower surfaces of eyestalks, "O" shape mark on shield, various body colour → Coenobita rugosus

6B. Appearance very similar to Coenobita rugosus but lower part of big claw nearly straight → Coenobita pseudorugosus

7A. Big claw NO ridges (////) → 8

7B. Big claw with obvious ridges (////) → 9

7C. Big claw with ridges (////), but not obvious → 10

8A. Very hairy, body colour dark red tone → Coenobita spinosus

8B. NOT hairy, body colour dark red tone → Coenobita rubescens

9. Boby colour orange tone with white dot → Coenobita perlatus

10A. White eyestalks, no black band on the lower surfaces, boby colour blue tone → Coenobita purpureus

10B. Boby colour light brown, creamy tone → Coenobita variabilis

10C. Boby colour white, off white, light gray tone → Coenobita scaevola

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